VENDOR UPDATE | 16 October 2018

Dbvisit Standby Version 8 (8.0.24) Latest Updates

Dbvisit Standby supported platforms

Latest release 8.0.24 (12th October 2018)

Linux - Linux 64bit (OEL (5,6,7), RHEL (5,6,7) and SLES (11,12)
Windows - MS Windows 64bit (MS Windows 2008, 2008r2, 2012, 2012r2, 2016)
Solaris - x86_64 v10, SPARC v10)
IBM - AIX 5.3 and above

Standby Version 8 Latest Changes

8.0.24 (12th October 2018) Changes:

  1. DS-1068: Internal improvement to handle read-only agent repository
  2. DS-1181: Improvement of dbvctl daemon process to send email on termination of a long running process
  3. DS-1208: Handle option when dbvserver or dbvagent repositories are not accessible - improved handling and error messages
  4. DS-1252: Improved batch installer on Solaris to update dbvnet configuration
  5. DS-1278: Improved alignment of task history in the Central Console (GUI)
  6. DS-1303: Passphrases are not displayed in support package contents
  7. DS-1347: RECOVER_UNTIL_SCN_FILE and RECOVER_UNTIL_TIME_FILE can be specified in
  8. DDC with different location and filenames
  9. DS-1359: Internal update - Add additional information to support package and update structure
  10. DS-1375: dbvsmgr.exe reporting on Dbvnet instead of Daemon process dbvctl-<DDC>
  11. DS-1391: Change localtime to UTC in the internal sequence and transfer tables
  12. DS-1393: Adjust batch install process to have option for dbvserver public_address and dbvagent webserver_adress
  13. DS-1398: Improve support package dates to include time
  14. DS-1408: Fix missing "Oracle Restart registration" option both CLI and GUI in 8.0.22
  15. DS-1426: Various small internal updates to Central Console (GUI)
  16. DS-1431: Improved error handling for support package generation in Central Console (GUI)
  17. DS-1432: Create a backup of dbvserver and dbvagent repositories on reset
  18. DS-1439: Network transfer improvement on Windows 2008 based systems (Dbvnet)
  19. DS-1448: Multiple DDCs with the same name can cause incorrect API requests to be generated
  20. DS-1450: cmn_check4new_datafiles gives incorrect filename with French language setting, add the following DDC parameters DBV_LANG, DBV_LANG_DR
    DBV_NLS_LANG, DBV_NLS_LANG_DR which can be set to specific LANG or NLS_LANG environment variable, example DBV_LANG = en_NZ.UTF8
    DBV_NLS_LANG = American_America.UTF8
  21. DS-1467: Internal fix - Dbvagent reports "The system cannot find the path specified" errors with no apparent failure

Further Help and Assistance

For further advice about Dbvisit Standby and Dbvisit Replicate, including product sales, installation and support services, please contact one of our pre-sales technical team on 0330 332 6223 or visit our website


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  • Microsoft
  • Db Visit
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  • SplashBI