Welcome to nlightnIT

nlightnIT provides the highest levels of customer satisfaction for all our technical services.

All nlightnIT staff have worked for many years within the commercial managed services industry and understand the importance of a tailored service and good communication. Our contracts offer bespoke levels of flexibility whilst delivering tightly targeted service level agreements designed around every customers’ unique requirements.

Our experienced commercial teams work with each customer to understand their unique service expectations and the business drivers behind them. In this way we can build a relationship based upon a comprehensive understanding of your business.

Once a service level is agreed, nlightnIT work with clients to ensure that the service transition process is as simple and thorough as possible, enabling us to provide the appropriate assistance and support for your exact requirements.


  • I'm not used to this level of service, why didn't I change my supplier earlier

    Technical Services Director 

  • Why aren't all my service providers as straight forward to work with.

    IT Manager 

  • Since working with nlightnIT we have increased customer retention, turnover, profit margins and customer satisfaction.

    Technical Services Director 

  • I would recommend nlightnIT everytime.

    Company Director 

  • nlightnIT helped us improve our systems and create an environment that is powerful and highly dependable.

    IT Manager 

  • The team at nlightnIT worked with us to find out exactly what we needed in terms of service levels.

    Chief Technology Officer 

  • nlightnIT have a refreshing attitude to support. They want to help, they want to be involved, and they want to make our life easier

    UK IT Director 


Fill out the form and our specialist will contact you for a consultation.


  • Microsoft
  • Db Visit
  • Oracle
  • MariaDB
  • SplashBI